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benefits and kasiat content of cashew nuts and can be used for diet therapy

Include Cashew Nuts In Your Diet To Get The Health Benefits Here

October 11, 2018

Include Cashew Nuts In Your Diet To Get The Health Benefits Here

Buah Jambu mete

Cashew nuts are composed of minerals such as copper, manganese, zinc, and phosphorus; Let's see how they are essential to the human body.

Copper: this Mineral is essential for the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in the RBC (red blood cells). RBC is responsible for carrying oxygen to the tissues in your body. A deficiency of hemoglobin would make life very miserable. You may find health disorders such as Anemia, Fatigue, pale skin, short of breath, dizziness, Cold Hands, fingernails brittle, and headaches. Take a hand full of cashew nuts in your daily diet will maintain the number of RBC in your body and help you live a healthy life.
Manganese: these nutrients is the parent of normal health system in many ways. Manganese helps enzymes run its normal functions in the body. The enzyme activity is very important for the digestion of food in the stomach. These nutrients also maintaining heart health with metabolize the carbohydrates, protein, and cholesterol.
Potassium: potassium is essential for the health of bones and teeth. It is true that bone health is maintained with calcium and phosphorus. Potassium is a mineral that keeps the balance between calcium and phosphorus. To build strong bone system, so you won't suffer from bone related problems in the future, you should eat nuts every day in limited quantities to strengthen Your bone structure.
Zinc: this Mineral is called by many nutritionists because most missed in the diet. This mineral helps the immune system. This mineral helps produce imunoglobulin in the body, which is responsible for fighting the foreign body. Zinc also supports reproductive health among men.

These are some of the amazing benefits that are provided by the small size of the cashew nuts, which can improve your quality of life. After knowing the incredible health benefits of owning a cashew nuts, don't forget to make it as part of your diet, as it can improve your health.

in fact many of the ingredients of a good natural diet of them by making a smoothie and juice with the other materials that we can use 


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